these days, the only quiet time i get is when the little man is down for his naps. not that i'm complaining --- he is at his most active now, fully walking and babbling along --- having conversations on the phone, chit-chatting with his lolo and lola (grandpa and grandma) on skype even though they live about 15 minutes away from us.
the little bhubba has been talking so much that i have to write this blog just so i can go back to it years from now and remember this with a smile. here are his first words (bear with this proud mom, will ya?):
tut - copying the sound the phone makes when dialing
tutbrush - for his toothbrush
bus/truck - complete with screams when he sees them
caaaahhhhrrrr - trying to scare us when he says the simple car
cat - he calls even dogs a cat!
bu-bles - when he sees his play bubbles
balllll - emphasizing the 'l'
tootle - for the turtles he sees at the aquarium
pish - for fish (so typically filipino switching the p for f)
saack - for socks
shu - for shoes
cheese/juice - always looking for food
didi - for milk
bibi - when seeing other babies
mmmmm - for whenever he first tastes something
yesterday, i took a really good look at him --- a long good look. and i wonder, where has time flown? is he REALLY turning 16 months old this 30th?!?
i seriously wish that the clock can just slow down a little, give me more chances to be able to enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime age.