Tuesday, July 6, 2010

and the hunt begins

a few weeks back, i was happily oblivious to the world of preschools and montessories until a friend mentioned how difficult it is to come across great facilities that does not have a wait list.

i decided to look up a few montessories in my neighbourhood and found only a handful that i would like to enroll the little man in.

so i placed a couple of calls on my lunch hour to obtain some information.

to my surprise, the one on top of my list has a wait list! that's correct --- my son is going to be wait-listed though preschool does not start until september of 2012!

in my panic, i have called two more montessories and decided to pay the disgusting amount of non-refundable registration fees just to ensure that he will have the space for at least one of them by the time he hits 3 years old!

i cannot believe that i have actually done this when i have at least another 2 years to go.


Mademoiselle Deva said...

I know it's madness! I still don't have a child but I am hearing all the time news like that!!!

Mademoiselle Deva said...

I know it's madness! I still don't have a child but I am hearing all the time news like that!!!

Mad About Pink said...

I've worked with children using this method and it's great! Now I'm looking for one too for my son
I'm mad about pink from SW now following you.

Janice Tiburcio said...

I've heard of such problems. Is somewhat hard to believe, but it seems to be the case everywhere.

-MsRigby (via swap-bot)